Checklist (350 Only Subjects)


350 Series


American Beauty 350 (Frame)

Broad Leaf 350

Cycle 350

Drum 350

Piedmont 350 No.25

Sweet Caporal 350 No.25

Sweet Caporal 350 No.30

Sovereign 350 No.25 (Forest Green)

Carolina Brights

El Principe De Gales

Old Mill - Black (Base Ball Subjects)

Polar Bear






After the printing of group 1 with 350 Series backs concluded in early 1910, production of group 2 began. This group added to the set 114 major-league subjects (players) as well as 86 minor-league subjects. When this group was first introduced to expand the 350 Series, it included 200 new subjects. The later replacement of the Demmitt and O'Hara cards with their St. Louis variations brings the total checklist to 202 cards.


Like group 1, group 2 was printed with Piedmont 350, Sweet Caporal 350, Sovereign 350 (Forest Green), El Principe De Gales and Old Mill (BBS) backs. Also at this time, distribution was expanded by seven additional brands, including American Beauty, Broad Leaf, Cycle, Drum, Carolina Brights, Polar Bear and Tolstoi.


In the second half of 1910, group 2 was concluded and production of group 3 began.


American Beauty 350 (Frame), Broad Leaf 350, Cycle 350 and Drum 350

During the printing of group 2, these four backs were produced for simultaneous distribution. This is evident by comparing the confirmed subjects for each back group and the packing/shipping dates on company ledger pages. Any of the 184 subjects from this group that were printed with one of these backs are thought to have been printed with the other three as well.